
Name - Josh
Age - 11 soon (wanna com 2 my party?!)

My Family
DESTROY: the enemy and his works
his evil kingdom


May 2005
July 2005
August 2005
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Saturday, July 23, 2005

i love jesus how about you im ollso scard of him because he can throw you in hell! and thats bad news! i have herd about it and ill tell you about it ther is a man hu testid it he was tirafide! his name is billwise he even tells about it he said it smels realy bad so bad youd die! and ther are things down ther calld demons they beat him up they thru him into the wall and all his bones broke and he had no strength even did have strength you would loose if fight good you would loose

click this & listen!-->∞Is Hell Real? Bill Wise went there!

Joshua :~: 10:55 AM

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I had a dream:

our entire family had died (all of various tragedies) and was in heaven.

I died first of a terrible disease, then Elijah-my 12 year old brother (he was in a tree and someone shot Elijah then hanged him to make sure he was dead),
then my 1 year old baby brother Joseph died (of the same disease as me),
then my dad (an eagle thought he was a rat and attacked him-killing him with his beak)
then my mom (someone threw a knife at her in an alley).
then my brother Josiah-he's 15. He was in a house in a forest reading the Bible to people
and the trees fell down on the house killing him and the people inside.
(Josiah went to hell, and we went to ask GOD if we could go get him...GOD said yes. All the people Josiah was reading to went to heaven, too)
Then my little sister Mercy(6)
was walking on a sidewalk and somebody ran her down on purpose.
Thomas* and I got Elijah out(of hell) and I & the whole family got Josiah out(of hell).

There was Sunday School in heaven, my mom was a teacher of 1, 2, and 3 graders.
there was another teacher for 4, 5,and 6th grades, and
another for the youth-the teenagers.

After we went in our classes we went in the sanctuary and we saw GOD and a beautiful light,
and GOD was the pastor.
Then we went to go get Joseph out of pre-k
When we got there I saw a whole bunch of kids, a whole bunch.
Then I asked you, mom, if I could go play & Mercy wanted to play too.
So, Joseph crawled into the River of Life and was swimming in the deep water with 10 other babies. (under the water-cause they couldn't die)
Then I got Joseph and went back to the family and that's it.

*Thomas is a neighbor he died(in this dream) when his father was mad and blamed Thomas that he had been in jail, he killed Thomas with a knife.
In reality, Thomas's dad doesn't get out of prison until November.
Thomas is my friend, we even go to church together sometimes.

Joshua :~: 8:52 AM

Saturday, July 02, 2005

jesus can do alot of miracles he allredy did his first miracles on you he healed you win you were sick or haveing a disease or sometheing like deadly like that

Joshua :~: 7:36 AM